Tag Archives: support for protests

Baltimore Protests

The genocide of black people has been going for centuries. It’s finally getting a little attention (a fraction of what it deserves) and people are so appalled and offended, not by the ongoing degradation and murder of black people, but by the gall of black people to start fighting back and raising hell.

If you’re white and have a problem with black people not following bullshit rules of respectability, sitting down, being quiet, and waiting for we white people to maybe stop being quite as racist and violent, you’re part of the problem.

The protesters in Baltimore and everywhere else have my full support. They’re not killing, they’re not raping, they’re destroying pieces and symbols of our white supremacist system that was built on the dehumanization, kidnapping, and murder of their not so distant ancestors, AND that relies on the marginalization and exploitation of those living now.

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